For men... I'm starting to wonder if that moment ever comes. heh Don't take it personally guys, I adore you, but I spent a night playing scrabble with a few of you & realized boys will ALWAYS be boys. It's charming... kind of...
Exhibit A: this is how it began
That's NOT how it went from here on out.
Yep... great job guys. The word IMMEDIATELY following "antidisestablishmentarianism" was "boobs". I rest my case. Granted it was getting pretty late for a Wednesday night, but they got so carried away & giddy with their little dirty words that they forgot to put the E on the end of "Penetrate". Really, guys?
Although I am pretty proud of "xerox" & "vulva"... double-X & double-V! Those were my words. hehe
Boys will always be boys. That said, I think there's a little bit of "girl" in us always too. We just hide it better. Holy cow, how did you guys even come up with the tiles for that one? I don't think I've ever come up with anything even half that long. Then again, I suck at scrabble.
ReplyDeletehahaha, all dirty words but someone put 'jew'. haha. (if you every need an extra for scrabble night- i can use the brain exercise)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy this on ALL levels but the thing I enjoy the most is that they missed the 's' in eStablishment of antidisestablishmentarianism.