Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 40

I've been out of the Flashback groove for a few weeks, it's about time to get back on the horse. So when going through the picture catalog in my brain I kept coming back to 1 photo in particular.

#1. This was taken in March my freshman year.... MARCH. See that sundress? That's not normal for March. But I still remember that freak heatwave & how the whole campus came to life. Something similar is happening in Pittsburgh right now. It's been BEAUTIFUL in February for a full week, which kind of freaks me out because all the trees are still dead but I slept with my windows open last night. Thank goodness for a break from winter!!!

#2. Last night I went to a sewing class & had a really great time. And see that dress I'm wearing? (again, it's all about the sundress today) I made it. Well my mom really made it & I helped... which I didn't realize until this year when I tried to sew something & realized I had no skills or knowledge of my sewing machine. Hence the sewing class

#3. I have to remember to be kind to myself. A lot of times I'll look at pics like this & think "Look how skinny you were! Look at that jawline & your arms, why can't you be thin like that again?" But then I really remember when it was taken & realize I was SO HARD ON MYSELF back then too. I never believed I looked good & was probably so skinny b/c I was terrified to eat in front of my boyfriend. (my fault, not his) . And even at my very thinnest I was still a size 12, that's just my frame. So not much has changed in 8 years... I'm still not kind to myself, I still judge myself by the numbers rather than by my health, & I still wish I was something else. Grow up, Lauren. You shouldn't compare yourself to an 18 year old, you're almost 27. And life is good. Remember that.


  1. You were beautiful then and you're beautiful now. The only thing that's different is you're not 18 anymore. Don't worry, neither am I (only I'm WAY farther away from it than you are!) That dress is so pretty. GIRL, why aren't you sewing more? I'm so far removed from 18 year old me...le sigh.

  2. BRILLIANT IDEA!!!! LET'S SEW STUFF WHEN YOU COME TO VISIT!!!! Remember that one time when I attempted to sew cap sleeves onto a dress of yours? (P.s. still have the movie we watched while I did that!)

    2. I miss the quad - where when unseasonable weather hit everyone ... EVERYONE ... said "eff this" and pulled out a blanket and a portable cd/radio player and lounged. It didn't matter if it was 50 degrees was still a hell of a lot better than 10!! :)

  3. Girlfriend! Your talents never shock me. You are so creative! And I totally understand how you feel when you look back at photos of yourself! Just think, when you are 60, you'll look back at your 27 year old self as a super model! It never ends. Just need to be gentle and kind with who we are, and the beauty just shines through!


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