Saturday, June 26, 2010


The furries have returned to Pittsburgh! Oh happy day! I'm not sure how or why, but Pittsburgh is the nation's largest Furries convention, so right now you can see them all over downtown!

For those of you who don't know what a furry is... how do I put this?... Furries are people dressed like animals. Some wear full mascot-like costumes, others just wear ears & a tail, but they all are trying to be an animal that has human characteristics. Some people deny it but it's a well known fact that Furries are a fetish-type culture. I even have it on good authority that the hotels often find human-sized litter boxes left in the rooms... USED. As a person who thrives on awkwardness, & I DO, this is like heaven for me!

It always comes up in conversation (after the initial shock & cringing stage) if you had to be a furry & pick an animal that you think represents you, what would it be? I usually can't think of an answer since I really don't want to be a furry at all, but this year I got a head start & came up with an answer.

Definitely ostrich. Definitely.

I feel like ostriches are feminine, definitely thick through the middle like me, but strong & surprisingly feisty. Plus their feet look like high heels to me. I even found an outfit... I could never do a full costume (what am I talking about, I could never do ANY of this!) but maybe if I still looked pretty like this....

If YOU had to be a furry, what would you be? Don't be shy, let's see your inner animal!

1 comment:

  1. AH!! I had no idea these people were for real! OMG! The litter box thing almost took me to the ground with laughter. Poor hotel employees. Lets see....I think I'd make a nice bunny rabbit. A pink one. But no pooping bunny turds in litter boxes please, I'll just lay some newspaper down. Haha!! PS-I'm a total nerd and want to "follow" your blog so bad so you will show up on my Blogger roll...but I can't figure out how! Email me when you get time, that is if you have "followers" even?


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