Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Change of Address

Hello friends, I'm still here! Buried under unpacked boxes & plastic bins, but here. I've wanted to take photos of the new apartment & some of the projects I've finally been able to complete around the house (thanks to my Mom visiting who never takes break or naps) but the house is still too disheveled to show it off. Soon though, I promise.

In the meantime, I thought I'd update your address books...


  1. It probably feels good to be all moved, right? Aren't moms the best? Can't wait to see some pics of the new apartment!

  2. It's a little late, but I wanted to make sure I said thank you for the postcard! It was so lovely to hear from you- thanks for reading and saying hello! Congrats on the new place, can't wait to see it! xo.

  3. okay...I have to be a little harsh...I do NOT want to wait any longer for pictures...sooooo...

  4. Yeah for you! Can't wait to see pics of the new place!

  5. need someone to help unpack? i might know someone. :)


Thanks for leaving a little message! They brighten up my inbox everyday.