Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ask & Ye Shall Receive

A few of you have been asking me to add a widget to let you subscribe by email, like I used to on my WordPress. Well today's the day folks, I hunted down the right html code (yuck) & bam! You can find it on the left sidebar.

And as an added bonus... I added fish. I don't know why. :) I'll let you hunt around for that on your own. Go ahead & feed them, it's fun.

There's something else I wanted to share with you other than building up my own blog. Something for other people. Something that I'd file under "I'm a Joiner" & that's Blurb for Good. You all probably know Blurb.com already, it's a make-your-own-book kind of site. I made my Mom a great photobook using that & I'll probably make a "Heya, Sparky! Year 1" book soon. But their Blurb for Good wasn't happening when I first started putzing around on there, I just discovered it!

The short of it is you can make books to raise money. Blub sells them in their online bookstore & 100% of the profits go straight to your business. Considering Blurb's low production costs, that kind of rocks. So while you're in a tizzy trying to figure out gifts for everyone, keep in mind "Hey, coffee-table books make great gifts! And I could support something good in the process!"

"Blog Aid: Recipes for Haiti"

A collaborative book for a cause Julie Van Rosendaal,
of Canada’s Dinner with Julie, rallied her pals, from
famous chefs to teen food bloggers, and created a cook
book for Haiti. More than 1,800 books were sold and the
Canadian Red Cross matched sales of the book. The
result was a mega-donation of more than $45,000 to
relief efforts in Haiti. Catch our Blurb blog post about
the book and its success.

1 comment:

  1. I KNEW THERE WAS A 'MAKE YOUR OWN' BOOK SITE!!!!! I couldn't remember what it was...THANK YOU!!

    Because, if I haven't told you...the sketches, etc, that I doodle on Thursdays, it's been decided that we're going to make a book of them! AND YOU JUST GAVE ME THE MEANS TO DO IT!


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