Thursday, October 7, 2010

2 Ladies Worth Celebrating

I hope you'll forgive me for yesterday's pessimistic venting. Maybe it's not just the weather but the fact that I'm a little bit heartbroken. No, no evil man has stomped on my heart... it's just that 2 of my favorite ladies have each moved away within 2 days of eachother which makes me doubly sad. I'm so super happy for their new adventures, but I'll miss them terribly. They're my people, you know?

Amanda I've known for years & have loved her from the start. She was there when we were both new to our church, in Mexico during the best & simultaneously worst week ever, when I was horribly & pathetically heart-sick over some guy who didn't even know I existed,we even applied for the Amazing Race together & I still think we'd be a unstoppable tag team. She's one of the first people I look for when I enter a room. She'll be in LA, something she's talked about doing since we first met & now it's really happening! It's a wonderful opportunity for her & I've provided her with a list of actors who, if she makes out with them, I'll have to make out with HER just for the proximity to them.


Tink I call my life-partner which must make it ok to tell her secrets I shouldn't tell anyone else. (you know you tell your husband things you shouldn't, it's the same thing) When I needed to take up running to handle the stress of my home, she was right there. When I needed to chain-smoke cloves out of anxiety before seeing my ex for the first time in years, she supplied them. I haven't known her as long as some of my other friends, but I feel like we've covered the entire range of human emotion together in the past year & 1/2... accomplishment, anxiety, heartbreak, depression, drunk, ecstatic, bored... & on & on & on.I probably spend more time with her than anyone else which I'm sure will leave a big Tink-shaped-hole in my life. But she'll be back after her year with AmeriCorps hopefully.


And I couldn't send these ladies away without something to keep close to their hearts. So they each got a hanky (for sad tears this once, & happy tears from today on) & a key with their own special meaning. Amanda, Tink... I love you both more than I could possibly express.

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