Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One Day Without Shoes

If there's one thing I know... it's shoes. But I don't want to talk about my heels, I want to talk about buying yourself some plain-Jane canvas shoes from Tom's. If you're not familiar with Tom's Shoes (where have you been?) for every pair of shoes you buy, another pair is given to a child in a developing country.

Tomorrow is their annual awareness day called "One Day Without Shoes". Think about what THAT would be like. Just the thought of stepping out my door & onto a SouthSide street makes me cringe... & then makes my heart break a little to think of kids walking miles to school without shoes while I have a closet full.

But feeling guilty doesn't help. Nor does feeling uncomfortable for a day without shoes. A pet peeve on mine is token advocacy... people who only care about things when it's new or popular or easy, but don't actually want to help. (I get it... it's interactive, it builds awareness & compassion... it's fun & hipster... it's rebellion to tell your boss why you can't wear shoes today & judge him for his shiny shoes) So I'm not going to say let's all go barefoot tomorrow.. but you might want to consider buying some shoes that will help out someone else. Actual money that will provide actual shoes to actual people. I'm probably not going barefoot, but I'm buying some Tom's.

Need more food for thought? Here ya go...

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