Friday, March 5, 2010

Week 7

Theme: Friends

This is me & Neil-Neil-Banana-Peal. He was my BFF when I was 3 years old. My mom used to babysit us when we were babies & we lived right across the street, I'm pretty sure our mothers had some kind of arranged marriage worked out but then we moved away. Neil's the only pen-pal I ever had, but I don't know how that started either since I'd guess we weren't writing letters at 4 years old. Then when we were about 8 we started going to summer camp together for a week each summer. Around 15 we grew out of camp, sometime before that the letters had slowed down too. We saw each other once more when a common friend (ok I only met him once at camp but I was teenager & everything was dramatic) was in a motorcycle accident & in a coma so we visited him together.

It's kind of funny thinking about how we managed a friendship over that many years without anything in common & barely seeing eachother. Things are just so much simpler as a kid... we're friends & that's all we need to know, so let's go play!

Last I knew Neil was working on a dairy in that tiny little town we used to live in that only has 1 intersection. I, on the other hand, get kind of nervous when I'm too far from a city (there's deer out there!) How's that for worlds apart? My mom said he just got married recently but that's all I really know about Neil-Neil-Banana-Peel. I wonder if life's still that simple when your roots go back this far. I wonder.... I wonder if Neil's on facebook, come to think of it!

You all have a nice Flashback Friday, I'm about to go find my oldest BFF.


Have your own Flashback Friday! Post your link on the “Christopher & Tia” Blog to participate with other friends & bloggers. Community = Fun.

1 comment:

  1. THe picture of you two playing on the playground is the very best.


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