Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 59

I've used plenty of facebook photos as Flashback material, but this is the first time facebook itself is the flashback. I would call this the FB caption that will live in infamy... or... people shouldn't talk about what they don't know.

And for the record, this isn't a real bone. :) It's a prop for the school dance back when I was teaching.

Oh you guys, indeed.

flashback time...
  1. Share a flashback of your own. Dig through old photos & tell us a little story of days gone by. Click the little blue "Add Your Link" button below to link up.
  2. Grab a button & add it to your post to let others know where the party's at.
  3. Click click click... Stop by others' blogs who are linked up & leave them a little comment love.


  1. Cute hair! Also, great caption on that picture :)

  2. You crack me up. I love your hair in this pic.

  3. ROFL!! I'm laughing all over again. This is still funny!

  4. Ha! I love how the girls are commenting bout how cute your hair is and the dude is still laughing about the boner jokes. (And btw, your hair is darling in that shot.) ;)


Thanks for leaving a little message! They brighten up my inbox everyday.