Sunday, January 9, 2011

Words Words Words

You'll never know just how good you are a charades & other forms of non-verbal communication until you completely 100% lose your voice. Like I did.

No worries, I'm back to blabbing away, but for a few days last week I couldn't even make a peep. (a few friends teased they liked me better that way, so at least someone was enjoying it) Just try teaching a class like that! It's amazing what you can say with a snap & a facial expression... heck, I even gave out detentions without words! But the show must go on, adaptions were made & I literally taught my classes through powerpoint. So as I was in a search for images to express me when my own voice failed, of course my computer took a little detour over to Etsy as it tends to do...

These were absolutely no use in my class powerpoint, but it makes me want to add a little something to my home the says welcome all on its own.
  1. Hello Sign
  2. Namaste Necklace
  3. Family Collage
  4. Emerson Quote

So... anyone up for charades? I'm a force to be reckoned with these days...

1 comment:

  1. That happened to me about a month of my many colds during this time of your also stole my voice away. I had other people take my phone calls and get my customers to work with me via email, etc...but I also go to walk around with a make-shift dry erase board for a whole day. I LOVED it!


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